Friday, January 4, 2013


 Merry Christmas!!
We sure had a wonderful Christmas vacation.  We spent it in WI this year so we very sadly missed all of our Jamison Family.  We did get to have my parents and brother here with us. 

Santa spoiled all three kids this year.  Angela got a digital camera, a camera case and a digital photo frame.  Connor got the Skylanders game for the Wii.  Emeric got a Big Wheel.

Angela woke up early on Christmas morning and both boys ended up sleeping in.  It was really hard to convince her to wait upstairs for them to wake up (and to not wake them up herself). 

Once they did go down they were very excited to see what Santa had brought for them.

They all had huge piles of gifts beside them (which in a way is kind of gross), but I know that they enjoyed every bit of opening their things and seeing what they received.

We hope and pray that each of you had as wonderful of a Christmas as we did and that you got to enjoy all your family and loved ones!

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