Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Longing for Family

Yesterday was one of those days that I was really wishing to be closer to family.  I started feeling a bit worn out, achy and had an upset stomach around 10:00 AM.  I managed a little nap during the afternoon.  But caring for my three and two others was really wearing me out.  I had a church meeting and before I went I talked to Brian about making dinner.  That is when I found out that he was feeling the same as I was (YUCK).  We barely made it through dinner, we got the kids fed, but neither of us ate.  Then after a hasty cleaning of the table we crashed on the couch for about an hour.  We had to pry ourselves up to put the boys to bed.  Then Brian went of to sleep early.  I stayed up a little later helping Angela with homework.  Bed was such a welcome after that.  We both seem to be feeling much better today, but boy was I wishing for family yesterday.

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