Monday, September 12, 2011

First Day of School

School is defined as an institute for teaching or learning.  But I think if you were to ask both students and parents it would get a much different definition.  Students may say a place that is: great to see friends, super boring, no fun, awesome, some place they want to be or don't want to be.  Parents may say it is something that: makes them cry to see their babies go, makes them feel old to have a kid in "X" grade and a nice break in the day. 

I know I and my kids have been thinking all of those things and we have on had one week (plus a little) of school. 

Angela started 5th grade on September 1st.  At Rusch they co-teach their grades.  She has one teacher who teaches Science and English and another teacher who teaches Math and Social Studies.  She was not really looking forward to starting school, but she is really liking it now.  She is hoping to join choir and be a part of the student council.  It is so much fun to see her excited about school.

Connor started preschool on September 6th.  He only attends school Monday through Thursday from 8:00 to 11:10 AM, so last week was a short week for him.  On his first day he was up and ready and really excited to be there.  The parents have a drop off spot for the class but then the kids are to walk to their room with the teacher and the parents go home.  That first day I waited until his class left, but that was only for me, he didn't need it at all.  On day two, he was still doing well, but Dad was there so he took Brian to see his classroom.  On day three, well that was another story.  Each of the first two days he came home super tired and by dinner he was whining and crying over things that normally wouldn't bother him.  So when he woke up on day three he didn't want to go to school.  He was crying all morning and on the walk to school.  Fortunately, when we got to the school I reminded him he had a choice, to have a bad day or a good day.  He choose to have a good day and he wiped all his tears away and went into meet his class just fine.  Here is to his first full week.....I hope that all will be just fine.

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