Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Week at the Jamison's (Friday)

Friday 2.26.10
Brian usually has Fridays off and today was no different. It is really nice having him home on weekday mornings so that he can help get all of the kids up and moving. On Friday morning it is especially busy as Emeric and I need to leave at the same time Angela does; Connor gets to stay home for some dad time. I am part of a book study group. We are studding What Every Girl Wants: A Portrait of Perfect Love & Intimacy in the Song of Solomon by Lisa Harper. Often times we spend more than our allotted hour, but today I had to cut out a little early. Angela had her follow up dentist visit to get her cavity filled. We had her eat lunch before the appointment just incase she was not allowed to eat afterwards. When we got there she was acting kind of funny; she said she was scared. Once in the chair the doctor gave her the choice of using the numbing or not. He said with a baby tooth you sometimes can do it without; she decided to go without. She was in an out in about 20 minutes, no crying or screaming. I was super proud of her. We got her back to school in plenty of time to participate in her class’s popcorn party. Brian, the boys and I just relaxed through our afternoon. We enjoyed a small snack from the leftover pies. When Angela got home from school she and Connor went outside to play. Then she came in and helped me to cook dinner (grilled chicken, egg noodles with a cheesy sauce and a broccoli/cauliflower mix). I helped Brian make up some chai tea mix and then I headed off to teach my water aerobics class. Brian got the kids ready for bed and tucked them in. He was enjoying a show on TV when I got home. We bought an antenna for our TV so that we could watch the Olympics but unfortunately we do not get that channel. He and I completed on of our devotionals and then sat in the hot tub.

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